Noise rock band from Memphis, TN | The Ghost Is Clear Records | 2017-Present
PRESSED - Mirrored Body (LP)
Vinyl album release | May 2021 ORDER
Album design & layout by Holtermonster; Art direction by the band.
Back cover art, Mirrored Body
Insert front, photo by Matthew Leathers
Insert back, lyrics sheet
PRESSED - Misshapen Thing (EP)
Cassette release | August 10, 2019
Digital and merchandise design by Holtermonster; Art direction by the band.
PRESSED - Anxiety Dream (Debut EP)
Digital Release | November 13, 2019
Digital promotion, band logo, and merchandise design by Holtermonster; Art direction by the band.
PRESSED Show Poster Gallery (2017-Present)
Art Imitates Life Imitates Merch
Or How PRESSED Learned to Stop Trusting Cokehead Venue Owners and Do The Damn Thing Themselves
Memphis noise rock band Pressed hosted an impromptu DIY show at a storage unit with touring act Tongue Party. The show had originally been booked at Murphy’s, but was cancelled by the owner in a drunken fit before doors opened for what he cited as “no audience”. Tongue Party played to around 40 people that night.
The incident at Murphy’s inspired new band merch, designed by yours truly.